New: AI passthrough!
This amazing Deo feature uses the power of AI to turn every VR scene into AR passthrough! Now you can take characters out of VR and have them right there with you - as if they were in the same room.
Notice: AI Passthrough is presently in beta mode, and as such, users may encounter occasional service imperfections. The feature is currently exclusive to the DeoVR app, but it will soon be accessible on both browsers and mobile devices. Your feedback is highly encouraged and appreciated.
Recommended headsets:
Meta Quest 3, and Quest Pro with stereoscopic color passthrough, Pico 4 (monoscopic color passthrough).
Compatible headsets:
Quest 2, Valve Index (monoscopic black and white passthrough).
Passthrough is not compatible yet for Oculus Link cable.
Check out our complete guide to passthrough and join in the discussion at our busy forum.
台灣春捲,又名“潤餅”,是一種很受歡迎的街頭小吃,皮薄而軟,用麵粉做成,裡面夾著蔬菜、少量肉和一些調味料,再加上一些糖和花生碎,是必點的 - 嘗試台灣傳統小吃。
「Run Bing」としても知られる台湾の春巻きは、小麦粉でできた薄くて柔らかい皮の人気のストリート スナックで、野菜、少量の肉、調味料、砂糖、砕いたピーナッツが入っています。 try - 台湾の伝統的な軽食を試してみてください。
"런빙"으로도 알려진 대만식 춘권은 얇고 부드러운 껍질을 가진 인기 있는 길거리 간식으로, 밀가루로 만들고 야채, 소량의 고기, 약간의 조미료, 약간의 설탕과 으깬 땅콩을 넣어야 합니다. 시도 - 대만 전통 간식을 시도하십시오.
Watching through VR glasses, you will feel like you are right in the scene.
使用VR眼鏡觀看, 您將會覺得身臨其境
Mirando a través de gafas VR, sentirás que estás en la escena.
這個影片使用Insta360 evo拍攝
This videos shot with Insta360 evo
4K resolution
5.7K resolution
#Run Bing