Share content using helpful shortlinks across DeoVR web!
DeoVR now has full use of shortlinks on the web! This helpful new feature means users can share videos using a unique link consisting only of just five or six randomly generated symbols.
Every DeoVR video will now have two links: regular and short. Here is an example of a shortlink: which was created from the regular link:
Creators can quickly and easily share videos using these unique and clean short links (the shortlink will be copied by default).
And DeoVR app users can open videos by simply typing these unique symbols in the address bar after
Full support for shortlinks has been added to the DeoVR app too.
This works alongside another useful feature at DeoVR where a long link such as can be shortened into - this is achieved via utilizing the final five digits of the full URL. (Don't worry, this will never clash with shortlinks as shortlinks will never use five numerical digits.) The shorter link will always redirect to the full URL address.
Join the discussion on the post over at the DeoVR forum.