Guide: Monetizing your content at DeoVR

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Many creators have monetized their virtual reality video content at DeoVR and are earning impressive sums each month. Find out how you can do the same. 

To monetize your VR content you need to satisfy some basic conditions and produce good quality engaging content. Each case is judged on its own merits, but here are some simple guidelines. 

Monetization regulations

  • We work on a revenue share model - 60% of the total pool of subscription money is distributed among the creators who have monetized content
  • Earnings to creators are based on a comprehensive algorithm based on Premium subscribers' click rate, watched seconds, etc, on your videos
  • VR creators are not charged any fees to host their content on the DeoVR platform
  • An exclusive contract with DeoVR is not required - you can host your content at DeoVR and anywhere else you choose
  • Monetized creators have access to a section showing the stats and earnings per month

Technical requirements for monetization at DeoVR

The basic requirements for monetization are: 

  • A minimum of five VR videos in the past three months
  • Average of 300 views for your videos

Creative guidelines for monetization

Each case is judged on its own merits but here are some general rules: 

  • Your VR content should be engaging for the viewer and reward repeat viewing
  • It should live up to reasonable standards for modern VR video in terms of resolution, framerate and audio quality
  • Each video should have a good-quality bright thumbnail and an engaging text description

Creative inspiration for making the very best VR content

We will be producing a series of guides to help you make sure your content is as good as it can be - keep checking the DeoVR blog

Explore content produced by some of our creators for inspiration: 

Other info about monetizing VR content at DeoVR

  • High-end VR studios with recognisably good quality content will receive monetization straight away, please speak directly to our team at if this applies
  • We are constantly watching out for fraudulent activity such as fake likes, fake views, etc
  • Users will be required to set up a business entity to monetize content, we will help you through this straightforward process

Any other questions? Reach out to or start a discussion at the friendly DeoVR Facebook page

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