Swiss Mountain - virtual 360° free view Ski Run Glogghüs / Käserstatt / Bidmi in Meiringen Hasliberg

New: AI passthrough!
This amazing Deo feature uses the power of AI to turn every VR scene into AR passthrough! Now you can take characters out of VR and have them right there with you - as if they were in the same room.
Notice: AI Passthrough is presently in beta mode, and as such, users may encounter occasional service imperfections. The feature is currently exclusive to the DeoVR app, but it will soon be accessible on both browsers and mobile devices. Your feedback is highly encouraged and appreciated.
Recommended headsets:
Meta Quest 3, and Quest Pro with stereoscopic color passthrough, Pico 4 (monoscopic color passthrough).
Compatible headsets:
Quest 2, Valve Index (monoscopic black and white passthrough).
Passthrough is not compatible yet for Oculus Link cable.
Check out our complete guide to passthrough and join in the discussion at our busy forum.
Komm mit uns auf eine rasante Skiabfahrt. Wir Starten beim Sessellift Glogghüs auf 2'433m, dann folgen wir der roten Piste hinunter zur Käserstatt auf 1'840m und von dort zur Bidmi auf 1'423m.
Setz dich in einen bequemen, aber drehbaren Sessel, setze am besten deine VR-Brille auf und beginne die virtuelle Reise und genieße diese Aufnahmen in 4k. Dank der neuesten 360°-Videotechnologie
kannst du den Blickwinkel frei wählen.
Vielen Dank das du mein Video angesehen hast. Ich würde mich über einen Kommentar oder ein Like freuen.
Wenn ihr Fragen zum Video oder zur Reise habt, stellt sie mir bitte in den Kommentaren, ich werde sie beantworten.
Special Thanks to Scott Buckley for his awesome music!
Music by Scott Buckley -
Title: Goliath, Catalyst, Terminus
Come with us on a fast ski run. Start at the chairlift Glogghüs at 2'433m, then follow the red slope down to Käserstatt at 1'840m and from there to Bidmi at 1'423m.
Sit in a comfortable but rotating chair and best put on your VR goggles, start the virtual journey and enjoy this footage in 4k. Thanks to the latest 360° video technology, you can freely choose the viewing angle.
Thank you for watching my video. I would be happy about a comment or like. Subscribe to my channel so you'll always see something new from me!
If you have any questions about the video or the trip please ask me in the comments, I will answer them.
Special Thanks to Scott Buckley for his awesome music!
Music by Scott Buckley -
Title: Goliath, Catalyst, Terminus